we used to leave the blue lights on (aw)
Ah, so he was fishing. A small smile spread across the length of Hezekiah’s muzzle as the boy bounded out of the water to circle around him with enough excitement for both of them. It was endearing, to say the least, of him to be fishing for Kaena. Aside from Inferni, he felt he was particularly indebted to her as well, because she had been kind enough to make sure he was well off before turning him loose through the territory itself. But Mason did have the right idea about catching them — they most certainly did have to hide. Standing in the water and charging into whatever swallow-watered piles turned up didn’t do them any good.

“I don’t think they can see or hear us up here,” Hezekiah murmured back, letting his gaze roam from the younger boy to the rolling sea and the surrounding landscape. “I’m not that good at fishing in this form either… but what if you tried to jump on them off of the rocks over there?” Gesturing towards the aforementioned rocks with a finger, he took a tentative step towards them, carefully making his steps on the real possibility that the tricky fish would see his taller figure moving towards them.

“Since you’re smaller and quicker, I bet if you sneak real careful on these rocks, they won’t see you coming. And then when the next wave comes in… you could try jumping on them.” They moved right along with the waves, seemingly pushed by them, so it seemed like a good idea. He stopped just before the damp rocks, just where the sand was damp enough to stick to the bottom of his feet, and peered towards co-conspirator. “What do you think?”

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