Angels and Demons


A salmon tongue flickered out and brushed his lips lightly as the possibilities rose in front of him, waiting to be picked. The girl seemed to look tastier for every moment, and he missed Svara and her ruined body. He wanted to ruin this one too. ”Go inside, darling, we’re done for today.” the man whispered through lightly clenched teeth. He did not want Lillith around for this female. He could feel her annoyance, but a low growl made her turn around and leave the scene. Not in fear, but in understanding. Their relationship was too fresh for her to witness the demon’s violent haze. The tan female wondered who the hell he was calling darling, and that ice cold gaze finally turned to her. Well, now she had his full attention.

Slowly, the man started to move towards her. His walk was casual, as if he was only taking a walk like any other normal person. The determination could be seen in the secui’s eyes though. They spoke of death and gore, of something horrible. He anticipated ecstasy for his part, not so much for hers. She had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. She could be the right person though. She was female and non-Dahlian, that was all that mattered. This would be so much fun. His currently black tail waved contently behind him. He hoped she would not run away.


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