ice age heat wave

His parents? Strange she should ask about them. The second he heard those few words, a small grimace crossed his gaunt features. It disappeared quickly, though — replaced by his usual impassive look. They're nobody. And they don't live here, either, he replied, trying to say it as nonchalant as possible. He didn't want to dwell on the subject, especially with someone who had a mother as kind as Fatin. When it came to mothers, his was the exact opposite from hers. Her next question off set him once more, and he shrugged. I didn't. I was dropped off here. I'm waiting for somebody. Yes, the kid who was waiting for someone who might never come. But still, it gave him hope.

The answers were a bit wounding, but he was answering because of his impulse to be polite. His mother and brothers had taught him that you should always answer questions, and answer them truthfully. He had never dared to disobey this regiment, because that would often entail danger to him. Regardless, she gave a belated introduction. Legacy was the name, and Ari nodded. I'm Ari. He gave another quick, nervous smile.


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