Angels and Demons

ooc. wee attack :3

Whatever these two strange, what was the word, Luperci were up to had very much caught Faler's attention. Breathing the evening seemed to be filled with that strange but strong scent, Faler can't pin point the smell but for some odd reason it reminded her of fire but there was none here. Why am I here.. Red and blue eyes never left the two dark forms that seemed to contrast with her lighter sandy one, that form the had was so new to her an a part of her didn't like it at all though Faler had never been one to turn away. Ears remained pinned on her skull as her fluffy tail swayed only once before laying still behind her, bright eyes watched the male send the woman away and some part of Faler was happy that the number against her were lowered.Breathing that feeling pooled in her gut again as her eyes locked with the bright blues of the dark colored male, something wasn't right but all she could think about was that weird ass form he had. Maw twitched lightly as a annoyed growl rumbled her throat, Faler didn't run even though her legs itch for it but she stepped slightly to the side away from his direct path. "Your kind are fucking weird.." For a brief moment her rough voice let through some of her interest but her gut was in more control, if she did run her long legs wouldn't be as fast as they would have been with the healing wound to her shoulder.


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