Angels and Demons

ooc. i wont <3 i woves you *gives love*

So quickly her heart was pumped in her chest as her legs moved trying to get away from the strange creature that was starting to bring out a fear in her, it was a strange feeling that made her like the male behind her less. That stupid loner she helped, her mind targeted him for what is happening it is all his fault that she is here. 'fuck' Faler could here him behind her, the snapping out his jaws making her ear twitch while his warm breath made her hair bristle.

A small growl rattled her throat with his teeth suddenly meet her leg, a yip mix growl emitted as her upper body went down to the ground. Turning her head she let her shoulder take the impact as everything was quick, slamming into the ground loudly Faler's tan body flipped before skidding to a stop. During mid roll a crack sound as a snarl pulled from her throat. Blinking her head was spinning, ankle burned and a strong throbbing was in her hind leg.


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