Reflections of What May Be
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nope it turns out i'm still pretty fail slow, rofl sorry >_>;. tyyyy, kiri is awesome like that haha. 306 words, short post from a hotel room. ;o

"Yeah.. They'll grow up before you know it, too." Of course, Tokyo was actually talking about the growing from a little whining hungry thing to a bigger speaking hungry thing, but she was fond of vague half-truths. It was easy for anyone to fill in the blanks with their own beliefs and opinions and agree on their own interpretation. But she supposed, too, that she did sort of miss little Princess needing her all the time. Yeah, it sucked having to hunt a lot and stuff, but having someone depend on her, love her unconditionally, need her to be around.. It was sort of nice. And it was different now with Princess, now that she was older, and especially now that they had spent so much time apart. Yeah, she was free of Buttface's influence now, but there were a solid few months where they had been alone together, and sometimes she was afraid she could see the faint remnants of that corruption. Like mold on the edges of a piece of bread.

Tokyo shook her head at the miracle comment. "Nah.. You don't need a miracle. It can happen, no matter the father. Princess' dad was pretty evil, too." She didn't even really need to consider the question, either, she nodded and continued. "Yeah, I did. She looks exactly my mother, her grandmother, who was a great woman." Tokyo shook her head again, sadly this time. "Her brother, though.. Didn't turn out too great." A wry, disappointed smile, and a shrug. "It's just luck, how they end up." She slid her whole body under the surface of the water, getting her face and mane wet, hoping to rinse off any dust that might have accumulated along the road. Breaking the calm, rippling surface again, Tokyo shook her head, golden-brown curls swinging off droplets of water.

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