people create stories create people

OOC: ::Word Count:: 300+

The silence continued without any demand to be interrupted, and the blanched female allowed herself to be overcome by its depth. This long stretch of quiet settled upon them like a luxurious blanket, beckoning their words to be spoken softly, becoming of the atmosphere that surrounded them. For the first time in a long while, the fair Crimson Dreamer felt at ease with herself, the calmness of the lake imprinting itself upon her; her muscles relaxed, her posture slack, her breathing easy, Urma relished the slow, steadiness of the world as it was now. If only you were here, the pale femme thought with a brief touch of sadness, the shortest she allowed herself in the dream-like state she was now in. She wished she would be able to share all of this wondrous sight with him, cherish each moment alongside the knowledge that it wouldn't be the last of its kind. Dwelling for long on these thoughts made the alabaster female feel chary-- her surroundings, so interlaced with fantasy, would only be here for a few hours, before the steady light of dawn would alter them.

When the small pup beside her spoke, Urma jumped a bit, surprised at having so suddenly heard his voice in the silence of the night. She sifted through memories, looking for the particular recollection she and Gotham shared of their day together. Indeed, she had mentioned her journey, in a different light so as to entertain the pup. However, it had not been an entire fabrication-- she had been on a journey, and she had spotted some dragonflies. The nature of her quest, though, was an entirely different thing. She smiled again, although this time there was a soft shadow of forlornness playing on her muzzle. "I left to find my loved one," she said simply, a touch of shakiness adding to her tone. She kept a brief moment of silence, before continuing, "Unlike the heroes and heroines of fairy tales, I wasn't successful." Not wishing to sadden Gotham, who was still a child that had no need to learn yet of the sufferings of adulthood, she added, on a somewhat warmer note, "I think I would have found him if I would have had a trustworthy, brave companion, like you. Just like we found the dragonflies, we would have found him." The fair femme smiled at the pup seated next to her, feeling her golden orbs prick with the watery sensation of unshed tears. She turned her head away from him, and allowed only a few to roll down her muzzle, before closing her eyes so as to push back the ones that were threatening to break her apart.


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