the space between us all

She hadn't eaten in a while and her belly growled loudly, interrupting the silence that had momentarily fallen between the two. Addison looked down at it with a frown. There wasn't much to eat around, maybe, or mussels. She'd tried mussels once and had really liked them, despite their rubbery texture. She looked back up at the whale bones as he helped her up, brushing some sand off of her hands. What kind of an animal preyed on whales, she wondered. What ocean creatures were bigger than whales?

"I wonder if it got killed by something" She said aloud. Her stomach growled again, and she spoke hurriedly. "I'm Addison, from Dahlia de Mai. I think...hmm. I'm really hungry. Want to help me find something to eat? Then if you want, I guess I could help you dig some of these bones out of the ground to look at better. I'm a good digger."


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