and some say, the essence of a soul's...

Word Count: 487

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Nodding, Dawali let the issue of the ceremony go - obviously she was dedicated enough. Perhaps she had been hindered by something important. Certainly, there were more important things than feasting and symbolism, but he liked to make sure that there was a good turnout on those events, to ensure their bonds to each other. Nothing was more important than that, one big family as they were.

Catherine gave him more details on her health, and each was weighed and considered in his mind. The second the femme mentioned that the nausea was more prominent in the mornings, however, his facial expression changed from one in heavy thought to a become a mien of knowing. The answers she gave did not surprise him, and he stopped examining the female. So, another litter, perhaps? And none of these females had mates. Perhaps it was not so common in these lands to have mates, but it was a disgrace by AniWayan standards. Had his father been here, he would certainly made a comment on the loosely-minded females of this place, and how he sheltered them in this tribe. Still, this was not the original tribe, and Dawali had come to know and appreciate the females in question. The small families should not be punished for males that did not follow an honorable enough life to accept the paternity.

Even if he was now fairly certain of her condition, he would not worry her needlessly. He had to be absolutely certain before he said anything to her - he knew how females could go on and on about this subject. "I'm going to ask some more questions, and they will probably be felt as quite private in nature, but you don't have to answer if you don't want to." Pausing, he simply looked at her face a moment before carrying on. He did not want to impose, but it was necessary to be certain of what was happening. "Your chest, the breasts, are they sore? Do you pee and crave drink more often than usual?" His face was as serious as before, maintaining a professional attitude. The questions could be uncomfortable, but they were two important clues. Lastly, there was scent - or perhaps a sample of urine would do the trick. The urine of pregnant females smelled differently, and also when poured on grain it encouraged growth better. The female herself probably smelled differently, too, but he would not go as far as to ask her to let him smell her. Looking at her genitalia would also give it away, but that, too, was too personal - for him as well in that case. If the answer to his questions were yes on both he was almost certain of her situation anyway, and none of those methods would be necessary. If the answers were not conclusive, he would just wait instead of invading her privacy. He hated doing that.


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