Your always on my mind
Lucifer jumped hearing the other males' voice, he messed around with the book trying to look like he was deep in it. So badly did he want to be like Noah, and Phasma, both loved him for there own, both knew how to read. The male nodded to the male as he flipped the page, looking to him. "I don't think I've meet you. Fatin's son?" It was the coat, that gave him away. Lucifer knew that she was a rare looking one around these lands. Every one of the children that she had popped out had something that looked like her, this one had her built and color.

The male wasn't sure if he was right or wrong, but he had hopped that he was right.

Lucifer smiled as he stood up, there had to be something that they could do be side look at each other and trying to figure out who parents was who's and what not."Sorry that was mean. I'm Lucifer."

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