With or without you

Big Grin 300+


Gotham pranced through the tall grass as if he were a deer hopping around. It was hard to see where he was going, because the stalks of the grass went over his head, and he didn't know this place at all. Each bounding step he took gave him just a tiny glimpse of what was around him. The boy had slept in this morning, after staying up to bask in the beautiful night and to listen to Urma's stories, and by now it must have been close to noon. As the sun lifted higher into the sky it seemed to get hotter and hotter. The boy's big pink tongue bounced around out the side of his mouth as he jumped through the grass, and though his back was getting to be quite warm it was a nice relief to find that the vegetation hid him quite nicely and the soil beneath his paws was pleasantly cool.


Eventually, buildings came into view. They looked nothing like the manor that he was accustomed to, though, and he stopped in his tracks for just a moment as the tall grasses gave way to much more manoeuvrable vegetation. He knew there was another pack that lived here, and that his aunt was part of it, and that was part of the reason that he had wandered over. This little village was unexpected, but exciting in its unfamiliarity! With a grin and a little giggle, the pup started to bound in the direction from which came a rather curious noise.


Soon enough he came upon the source of the noise, a wolf that had fur much like his own and a hammer that she was hitting against some strange structure. It was very possible that this wolf was Auntie Ember, but Gotham didn't want to just ask straight out. Instead, he moved up to the thing she was hitting from the opposite side and sniffed the top. After a couple moments of staring at the black female from over the top of the structure he moved around its side to face her. "Hello," he said cheerfully, "What are you doing?"

Ithen made this! ♥


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