he can, just by living, damage me beyond repair
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... hell_t.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Thanks <3 & poor Urma D: at least Savina is like "I totally get how you feel" 300+

The Commander sat there frozen, unable to a muscle for the shock that jolted her system. None of this made sense. The words that were flowing out of Urma's mouth were in opposition to everything she thought she knew of this situation. Though the pale femme was not lying, would never lie about this. All these words were true and it shook Savina like she couldn't have expected. Knowing how much this effected her, she couldn't even imagine what it had done to Urma. Despite having no details, some things were made crystal clear. Apparently, Pilot had not exactly been held against his will. At least that was what she was gathering from all this. Not only that, but much darker things. Things darker than she ever wished to imagine. She heaved a heavy sigh and looked out past the horizon for a moment, trying to take all of this in.

"I understand. I carry a similar secret for similar reasons. It does not belong to me, but it is not mine to share either. You needn't say anymore on the matter." The weight of Kansas' secret was lighter on her now, not as overshadowing. She knew that he wanted her and her alone and he would not be unfaithful to her. Though not having Naniko around did something to help it as well. Founded or not, there had always been a fear of her trying to take Kansas away from her, and that was something she could not bear. "I don't know if it will help or not, but you should know. When I saw him, he was concerned about how whatever happened would effect the way you felt about him. He was worried that you wouldn't want him anymore, that you wouldn't love him." No matter what atrocities had ocurred behind the borders of Inferni, Pilot truly had been concerned about his relationship with Urma. That much Savina did know.

The Italian fey knew little and less of Pilot's ex-mate. She didn't even think she had ever heard her name, from either Apollo or Pilot. Though Savina understood Urma's fear all too well. It was almost impossible not to fear those past lovers. Impossible not to be jealous in some way or another. "Apollo told me that they had found Pilot's family and while Apollo left to return here, he told me that Pilot had stayed there. He mentioned nothing of his mother or Pilot having any desire to search for her. I can't imagine him keeping something like that from his son." Surely if Pilot had wanted to undertake such a task he would have told Apollo. "I understand though, I understand that insecurity. You can't help but feel it. Sometimes even when you're together and things are fine it can haunt you." It had haunted her on more than one occasion. Though she truly believed that Urma had no cause to worry on that front.


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