you are my sweetest downfall
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Wow short.

His tongue played across the sensitive skin, trying different ways of touching to see which she liked best. Her reaction was absolutely toxic to him; it made him crave her even more seriously. The way she surrendered her body completely to him was one of the most arousing things she could have done. She was entirely his. He felt a little sorry for liking it like that—he wondered if it was wrong. Should she give herself over to him? Should he like it as much as he did? These were things Kansas had to push out of his mind for the moment, because desire was raging so fiercely inside him that there was little room for other considerations. Her soft moans, her whisper of his name... She was so damn perfect. He couldn't find a more appropriate way of describing it. He loved that he could make her as crazy as she was making him. He felt the pull of the sheets beneath him as she grabbed them with her hands. "You like that?" he stated lustily. His pale hands ran along the contrast of her thin sable thighs as he tasted her, as if he wanted as much of him as possible to be touching her.

Kansas felt the pressure building in his lower body, that familiar and amazing sensation. He loved pleasuring her, but he almost couldn't stand it anymore. The boy pulled himself along her body until his face was close to hers, and he kissed her cheek gently.


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