the space between us all

She started off for the firewood as soon as he went toward the tide pools. There were a few pieces of driftwood laying around, wood that had been in the ocean water for a while, and she picked those up. She started back for the fire before turning to go back and get some more, tail waving back and forth in a genial matter. She hadn't had a nice conversation and dinner with someone in a was kind of nice. Maybe she could use this dinner to practice for things she would say or do the next time she saw Haku. She wanted him to have the same kind of interest in her that she had in him...but she didn't know how to approach him with these things.

Or how to talk to men in general, really, besides family members. Hemming seemed a little odd to her, yes, with his appreciation of life and everything...but they were all the same, weren't they? Addison picked a few more pieces up, putting them down in the pile that she already had and looking for two smaller sticks. She began to rub them together in a way that she had learned might start a fire, exerting pressure on them to try and heat them up.

She looked up as he came back, giving him a nice, big smile. She would have to see, with this one, what the way to a man's heart was. "I got us some good wood." She noticed the crab on top of his head and raised an eyebrow. "But...what's that on your head?" She asked, looking at him quizzically.


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