With or without you
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a329/ ... _horse.gif); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Oh, he'd asked her a question! She had completely bypassed it before, still stuck in her thoughts, but now she answered it hastily. "Making a little edge onto this well so that a puppy won't fall in. It's pretty deep and has some water down at the bottom. There's a bucket down there that the pup could get into, I suppose, but I don't want to take any chances." The last time she had tried explaining something to a pup she had been far too detailed and precise...she hoped that he would understand.

He did look a bit like the boy she had held those months ago, but this wolf was much bigger than she would have expected that little puppy to have grown in this much time. How fast did pups grow? She had been around Tayui's pups, but they had seemed to grow slowly. Maybe it was because she'd been around them nearly every day. "What's your aunt look like? And her name? I can try and help you find her...it's not good for a puppy to be wandering around. I've heard of some bad things happening to pups"

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