With or without you



He listened carefully to her words, his gaze wandering to the strange structures. The boy was glad to hear that she was doing it well, because that seemed critical to the whole puppy-not-falling-in thing. That the adult had mentioned the thing's name was lost on the pup, but he at least thought he understood her explanation. There must be a hole inside this little fence type thing, with water and a bucket. But why? Gotham's eyes turned to the ground and he stared intensely for a moment, trying to work out a reason. He gave up after a couple of moments, and looked back up to ask, "But why is there water en a bucket down there? Did someone drop 'em in by accident?" That would be sad, because if it was very deep it wouldn't be very easy to get them out. That was probably why they were still down there, too, and this lady was just making sure that a puppy didn't get dropped down there by accident because a puppy was more important than a bucket or water. The very thought of being in that dark place forever made the boy a little nervous, and he shuffled a little farther from the big structure and the supposed hole.


Not good to be wandering around? Gotham folded his ears back a little, feeling a tinge of guilt. He was strong and brave, but he wouldn't be able to protect himself from something really big if it tried to eat him, and then his sisters would be sad. For a moment the boy merely peered at the other with wide eyes, as if she would assure him everything was okay and he didn't need to feel bad that he had wandered around by himself, away from his house. He collected his thoughts, though, and realized he didn't know much at all about his aunt. Giving a little thoughtful hum, he said, "Her name is Auntie Ember." A little smile pulled on his lips. If she was asking for names, she must know a lot of the wolves that lived around here, and she could help him find his aunt. His tail thumped on the ground as he thought about meeting her, finally! His regret of sneaking around disappeared. As for the first question, he had purposely ignored it, as he didn't even know what his auntie looked like.

Ithen made this! ♥


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