here be monsters
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we launch ourselves into the bright::in character

She stopped short as another wolf rounded a corner, a black male, golden eyes catching her attention even from afar, as he called out to her and gave a sad little wave. She took a moment to herself and tilted her head almost imperceptibly to the side, all the better to look him up and down with eyebrow raised curiously. Once she had satisfied herself with inspecting him she raised a hand and waved back and smiled slightly, her lips curling up at the edges, but it barely reached her eyes. Nocht wasn't unhappy to meet another wanderer, as such, but she still didn't quite know what to make of this new, foreign land and was trying to be respectably cautious. It wouldn't do to make a fool of herself, rushing in now. She took a few steps nearer, keeping her posture relaxed, shoulders back, chin up, acutely aware of the piercing through her nose, which always seemed to draw attention. She couldn't imagine why, she thought to herself wryly. "Jus' huntin' up a few essentials." The grey furred wolf replied pleasantly once she was nearer, smiling benignly at the stranger. She noted that he was quite a bit taller than her as she let her eyes wander and take in the few more obvious details at the nearer point, but what was new there? She was more often than not shorter than those around her, most specifically the males. It didn't bother her much. She focussed her attention on his face again.

"Ah, y'know, some clothes, a fishing rod if I can find it, maybe a book." She ticked the items off on her fingers as she named them and then shrugged, smiling self depreciatingly. "Or whatever I come across, really." She tilted her head to the side, waiting for him to reply and letting it be known, but a more sincere smile graced defined features this time, to take the edge of demand off her request.


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