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I spoke to you in cautious tones,
you answered me with no pretense.
And still I feel I've said too much,
my silence is my self-defense.

Asariel did not seem taken aback by her straight-forwardness, although she did seem surprised. Geneva wasn't the greatest conversationalist, although she was becoming more social. As an introvert, her thought processes were far smoother than the words she spoke. She did not find it hard to relate to others on a personal level so much anymore. Every time she tried to make a new acquaintance, she found it easier to form connections. She usually kept to herself, because she was a quiet soul and she was often withdrawn in her own thoughts. It used to be that she was self conscious and painfully shy, but she had overcome those inhibitions in the months she had spent here in Nova Scotia.

Geneva knew that conversation had to be give and take. She listened carefully as the sandy coated woman spoke, smiling at her encouragingly. The woman moved to sit in the spot that her pack mate had indicated. It was strangely easy and comfortable listening to her speak. Her words were few, but she had given her a cursory glance at her interests. "I see your interests are many and varied," the sub-leader commented.

Geneva reclined a bit, leaning back on her hands for support before she spoke again. "I've never used a bow." She grinned sheepishly and admitted something. "To tell you the truth, I've never seen one, physically or otherwise. But I have read about them, and know their general use." She took a finger and sketched lightly in the dirt in between the two of them. She drew a half moon shape and a vertical line to connect the two ends. "Is this right?"


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