i had somethin' to say
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we launch ourselves into the bright::in character

She felt a bit foolish when the red wolf didn't reply quite as enthusiastically as Nocht had greeted her, but pushed down the slow burn of embarrassment, forging onwards head first. She would take out the sheepishness and feelings of foolishness later, when she was alone and it was all quiet and turn it over and over again until it drove her mad and she grew bored and shoved it down again. Instead now she hopped from rock to rock until she was a bit nearer, the pup approaching her as well and then paused, allowing her to set the distance between them, conscious of the slight female's cautiousness. Nocht grinned widely at her and held her hands loose by her side, held her posture in a loose neutral stance. She felt in a silly, friendly mood, adventurous and unwilling to let herself second guess every move she made, as she often did around strangers, tripping over herself and tying herself up in knots and making herself self-conscious and abnormally shy.

Still, she felt her head and ears dip slightly in an expression of sheepishness. A wolf in sheepishness clothing, she thought to herself and then gave a mental sigh of exasperation at her own odd patterns of thought. "Well, how're ya?" She said, the traditional greeting roundabouts where she was from. The words ran together into a mess that one could just about extract the meaning from. She pointed at herself slightly. "I'm Nocht. Uh, pleased to meet you." She took greater pains with her second sentence, in a bid to actually make herself understood. She was a fast talker usually, which wasn't a problem when she was at home, but she had learned around strangers quickly that if she didn't slow her words down as they scrambled over themselves to be heard that they found it difficult to understand her.


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