For a Small Moment In Time
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No worries! I’m a little slow now too, so don’t worry about it, ^=^

A quiet nod was given in return. She dwelt upon her own words and then she dwelt upon the words that Anu had given. Indeed, the most resilient could easily perish. All creatures held a weak point, and all enemies had the potential of striking it. Even friends, even those trusted. And so always the warrior was reluctant to trust too deeply, finding that such a thing lead to a new and more obvious weak point. And how effectively love did such a thing, and how she did not turn him away. A soft punctuating sigh escaped the warrior.

"I am glad that she is healing well," the soft melody replied, relieved that Corvus’ attack upon Mati had not left prolonged marks. The memory would always persist, as all memories did, but at least the girl was healing well and continued to do so. "Who is in leadership of Crimson Dreams now that the other has been expelled?"The warrior did not find it strange that she was unfamiliar with such news. She would have heard such a thing had pregnancy and wounds not held her to Dahlia, and so she did not expect herself to know such things. However, she could hear a bit of news of the world without from Anu. And perhaps later she would learn more. But not now.

At the voiced query, the warrior was silent. For a moment, the white orbs considered the other woman, the tranquil gaze holding Anu’s for a long moment. What passed beneath those impassive eyes was uncertain, but something moved there, slowly and certainly as the light in the deep of slow moving water. And then her gaze had moved to the pups that drank from her, the warrior acutely aware of her body’s functions and the movements of her young. "They are small," she said at length. Honor paused for a moment as he readjusted himself. But it was not long before he continued. A pup’s appetite, she had discovered, was great despite the small size. "And they are fragile." While the black she-wolf had carried the pups for those two moons, she had known them in this way for only two weeks. With their eyes and soul, she had known them only two. Slowly, the warrior was understanding, but she took her time, observing these creatures with meticulous care. She wanted to understand them so that she could respond efficiently.

The white orbs turned back to the gaze made of water. "I had never desired to bear life," the soft melody admitted openly without shame. "But I do not regret this." Discontent was not the same as regret. And especially because the pups were wrought from Onus’ seed, the woman could accept the raising of these twins. Even though the lives she had born into the world required her attention and kept her from upholding duty and passion, the warrior was determined to be patient. For her pups, she wanted strength and health, and she would do what she could to give it to them. And she found, too, that she loved them. It was a different love than the love that she felt for Onus, and it was different from the elated passion of war. It was felt with less intensity, though not quite with inferiority. It was difficult for the woman to explain such a thing, and so she did not. She simply accepted that it was called love and that she felt it for the young created from the blood of Onus and the blood of her self.

"And I am content that they were not born with darkness within them." And she was glad, also, that what Corvus had done to her had not harmed the children within. With the number of battles and severity of blows and wound that she had received, her fertility was also a thing that surprised the warrior. But perhaps she simply did not know of such things.


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