For a Small Moment In Time



There were many things about the parentage of the children she called her own that Anu found disappointing. They had no father, and what they did own of him was spoiled blood. They were left with two females to raise them, and she had no true experience. She had no blood tie to them, and what tie she did had died when the mateship with Naniko did. Still Anu could not turn them away, and now… Their own mother had left Crimson Dreams, bound to start a new life with a new litter. Healing Mati might be, her wounds closed and no longer visible to the passing eyes. But the wounds would be opened again and again as her life continued. She would not forget that pain, and relive it with each new wound. “Savina commands us.” Anu spoke with no fear, no insecurity. Savina was a fey to be reckoned with, and no push over. There was no other that Anu respected more then the ebony she-wolf, no other was able to rise in their time of dismemberment and at the fall of their past Commander. Anu was happy to sit as her side. "And I am her second.” She added, no less proud of her own place in the ranks but knowing that it would be a leap for her to take first position if need be. She was not as strong the Marino female was.

Thoughts turned to the two small creatures that found comfort at the side of the warrior. Yes, they were small and indeed they were fragile. Such was life when it first greeted the world. It was their job to protect it, and because of its fragility it was their way to form the pack. To often such a thing was forgotten. They could feed themselves fine, but without the security of the borders their dens would be raided and their young slaughtered. It would be too easy to take the lives that had yet to start. The security of borders, the formation of hierarchy, it was all to protect the generation of the next. It was not for pride, or arrogance or to boast. It was far more simple. Anu would not forget such simplicity. Cwmfen’s words carried her mind back to the present, she smiled at the words. Anu would have been sad to know if she did regret them. To not appreciate the gift that had been given, and with so much light in them. No, they held no darkness… “Sometimes we are given what we need, rather then what we desire.” Anu commented, her smiled flickering and fading slightly. She needed their light, Anu was certain of this, and so she had been given it. Anu desired to create life of her own blood, and yet she was given love that could not produce it.


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