rough around the edges.
Rofl, didn't see that coming. And sorry about the wait, I had a couple of papers eat me.
For a few fleeting moments, Hezekiah got to watch him work — and he worked quick, though the boy was unknowing initially that it was out of anger. It was when he only dared to make a move that things went from cool to hot in a flash. The whirling around had been unexpected, almost frightening, but not quite as frightening as the speed and power that came in the throw of the pike. Hezekiah had froze, watching it make a precise arc through the air, just waiting for the right moment to dive out of the way… which never came. Yet instead of bolting when the moment seemed right, he had gotten caught up watching it land and by the time he had gotten any sort of wits about him, it was too late to move. It was too late to react with anything other than fear that rooted him to the ground.

Even in the dim light of dusk, he could make out the colour of the taller man’s eyes and the emotion that stonewalled him from staring too long. He pulled his gaze away just as quickly as it had snapped to, his slack jaw closed briefly with the slightest of quivers. Collecting himself seemed to take forever, though it was only a second or two after the firm voice of his crimson-eyed elder had spoken that he found his voice and felt enough courage to briefly meet his gaze again. “I-I was just watching,” Hezekiah managed out with a stammer impeding his start. It wasn’t exactly the answer to his demand, but it was an answer. He had just been watching. “I just wanted to see what you were doing.”

And truth be told, he was fully expecting to get cuffed any moment thereafter.

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