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It wasn't at all like Conri to go waltzing across borders that he had no right to pass, but he'd been gone for so long and he'd missed so many things that he felt the need to connect to whatever, whoever, he could now that he was back. There was no telling if his brother would come back for him or not, or when, but he didn't think that the younger male would just let it all go. He'd seen to much hatred in the eyes of his kidnapper, his own brother, to be able to think that all would be fine and he would live a normal life. Until that day, Conri would make it as normal as he could.

Red and cream male had come across her scent in his wanderings outside of Clouded Tears, he hadn't gone much farther than those lands, his body tired and weak, finally taking the chance to recover. When he came across her scent, though, he simply couldn't ignore it. The patch of scar where his left front leg had been previously pulsed with pain, ached, but Conri ignored it as he started forward, following the scent. It was masked with something else soon enough, something warm and sweet and it took his nose a moment to differentiate between that her scent. It seemed like they were together though, it was safe to follow both.

The young male was hesitant to cross the borders once he reached them, though he did so none-the-less, slipping across and heading for that same scent still. His walk was still different, he wasn't completely used to walking with only three legs. Had it not been for the fact that Conri was sure the wound was still healing, he would've simply shifted and been on his way. He saw her then, sitting by a fire fixing whatever it had been that he'd smelled before. It looked liked she'd seen better days also. He stopped a few feet away, just watching a moment, before he finally spoke up. "Miss Deuce?" She was one of the few left around that Conri knew.


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