Out for Lunch
"There is nothing to apologize for," Geneva said. "Meeting you in the present has been delightful." The gray wolfess was sincere. She had wanted to get in touch with her other pack mates. She felt that it was both a necessity and a privilege. If she could not know them each on a personal level, she wanted to at least know of them. As the second highest ranked member of Phoenix Valley, she wanted to make herself accessible to anyone who might need her. Jefferson was usually so busy with his duties, it was the least she could do. She would offer her help and resources whenever possible.

"I will keep your offer in mind," Geneva murmured. Her expression displayed her interest, and the fact that she was impressed. He had not only listed a skill, but had also claimed to be able to construct several different things. Geneva was not one to take claims as gospel or to entirely doubt assertions, but she was more inclined to believe this pack mate. "That sounds like a useful skill," she noted. "It must have taken much training, or practice, to hone." Geneva could only imagine the patience and trial-and-error required for making new things. She herself had never really constructed anything. Are you capable of mending things as well? I can think of a few things, bookshelves, which could use a bit of repair, when you are able."<

Ty's bright voice entered the conversation once more, asking for further details about Lysander's life. The young man shared his story so freely, and he seemed to love to hear the stories of others as well. She turned her eyes to Lysander once more, to watch for her reaction. There was no expectancy in her gaze, merely curiosity. Geneva did not often share the intimate details of her life, but she was content to listen, and share a little, piece by piece.

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