til this hour has gone around
http://digital-bonsai.com/katew/temp/masontable.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat;">
He did not recognize this white woman's scent. It was obvious that she was not a coyote or coyote hybrid. Or perhaps she was, but he knew that she was not part of his clan. That did not necessarily make him distrustful of her, but he was definitely wary. He had spent time as a loner, a considerable amount of time considering his youth. He had learned harsh lessons, and one of those lessons had been to watch his back, especially with strangers.

He brightened somewhat when she announced that she wouldn't be hunting for fish. His tail wagged behind him, although he was not aware of how it betrayed him. "'Kay, I'll be fishings," the boy announced. He figured it was only the polite thing to do, considering the fact that she had been at the beach first. The young boy trotted up to the water and looked down at his blurry reflection. He would have tied to pounce on them from a rock perch, but he could not see any rock formations nearby. Sighing, he lowered his maw to the water and got a noseful of salty water. It was all part of the territory, but that did not mean that the boy had to like it.


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