Look for signs of you just to feel it again
"I didn't think I would ever make it back here." He commented quietly in response to her saying she didn't think she'd ever see him again. "I didn't think I'd live this long." He wanted to say, forced himself not to say, because he didn't want to bring things like that out into the open. Her words were so many and so fast that Conri couldn't say anything else for the time, though it pleased him that it was like that. He could sit there and listen to her talk for hours on end and he would be perfectly content with it. "My brother.." He said quietly, referring to his leg. "I lost it because of him." It was a vague response, very little detail. Telling someone that your brother cut your leg off wasn't the easiest thing in the world.

With little else to say for the time, Conri nodded his head and turned to go inside. It was like a dream almost, something that he could clearly remember but could never convince himself that it was real. He could remember the warm feeling he used to get when coming inside and, in some ways, he still felt a little bit of it. "I got back very early this morning, stopped to see Laruku to make sure it was alright that I came into the lands." He couldn't tell her that it was for advice, to ask whether or not he thought he should go and see her. "It still hurts sometimes but I think it's okay now." "Because just looking at you makes everything alright." "My brother took me from here." He said finally, quietly, turning his head away from her. "Knocked me out and drug me away." Did she think he left because he wanted to?


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