can you see a shadow on me

Ghita’s slightly flawed English made him pause in his absent-minded doodling. He stared at the meandering lines with amber-gold eyes, following the curves as they drifted away toward the ocean. Ehno was pleased to find how far along his sibling had come in learning the new language as she showed off her blooming skills. The best way to learn a new language was to immerse yourself in it, and Ghita was not afraid to do just that. “The wind and sea swept it away?” he asked, though it was more of a comment than a question.

The conversion from English to Italian as their conversation continued was simple for Ehno. Their native tongue would always be easier and more comfortable for him to use, but after journeying for a year and living in this pack for another, English had slowly become nearly as comfortable to him. He was used to the flow and structure of the words, and while they were not as musical as his native Italian, they came easily to his mind. He smiled at her comment about Amata, a slight nod emphasizing his agreement. "Crescerà uguagliare un giorno quel cuore grande di suo. Sarà abbastanza la piccola signora." He had no doubt about that.

“No, it is not,” he agreed. “But it is close enough for now.” A bitter sort of smile clung to his lips, the only indication that he was not happy with that fact. He was feeling surprisingly calm and collected despite the nagging question of what he would do about Naniko and the pups hanging ominously in his mind. He wondered how long it would be until he could honestly say that he was feeling very well. Whether he chose to stay in Crimson Dreams or to follow Naniko out of the pack, the thought of what he would be leaving behind would pain him. Indecision, while doing him no good, at least left him feeling a little better. He feared that he might cling to that indecision for too long.

Ghita asked him for more information regarding Cambria’s brush with the drugs and he felt himself mentally cringe, though he managed to keep his face passive. Ehno had not been present when it all happened, but he had soon found himself tangled within the sticky, delicate web of the situation. His involvement only seemed to make the situation all the more precarious. He nodded briefly to show that he did know details of the situation before sharing what he knew. "Non so che Savina l'ha detta," he began, an explanation for any repeated facts he might share with her. "Nostro Comandante precedente, Naniko, è diventato appassionato alle droghe. Ha lasciato alcuni in una borsa di suo nel castello ed in Cambria, è un cucciolo curioso, è entrato nella borsa ed incidente ha inalato alcuni della droga." He paused for a moment, trying to think of how to best summarize what had happened then.

"Anu e Savina l'hanno trovata, e ha inteso confrontare poi Naniko di ciò che era successo. Era ovviamente alta e ha rifiutato di chiedere scusa per lasciare la droga nel castello. Non porterebbe la responsabilità." He shook his head with an obvious frustration. "Hanno tirato Naniko dalla sua posizione il suo come dirigente. Era arrabbiata, per dire il minimo, e ha infuriato via e ha lasciato il pacco." Ehno had run into Savina after that and after learning the gist of the situation, chased after Naniko with anger and worry clouding his thoughts. He chose not to mention that right now. "Ha portato Cambria un mentre ricuperare dopo ciò. Ha speso molto tempo sedendo tranquillamente nella sua stanza. Grazie al cielo, ha gestito completamente per ricuperare." He didn’t want to think about what would have happened had she failed to get better.

He brushed the heavy thoughts that came with that tale away, glad to shift the conversation in a slightly different direction. "Sì, ciò era Gotham." The Lieutenant had never realized how similar the boy’s eyes were to his aunt’s. That bright, lively color apparently ran in the family. "Non si potrebbero mai si risentire di lei. Lei è qui ora, e ciò che è le questioni. Sono sicuro che il piccolo ones sarà felice di trovare che hanno un altro membro di famiglia per giocare con." He was surprised to see how insecure his sibling seemed to be about meeting the remaining pups. He was certain her worries were for nothing; the pups were too kind-hearted to resent her for not being around until now.

Ehno was startled when Ghita slipped her paw onto his, effectively halting his nervous drawing in the sand. He pulled himself together and managed to pull his gaze from the sand to stare into the bright blue gaze of his sibling. She offered congratulations to him, her tone weighed down by an unhappy note. His gaze wavered for a moment, and he almost tried to correct her initial assumption, but she spoke up again before he could. This time he couldn’t keep his wincing hidden, ashamedly lowering his gaze back to the sand for a moment. His heart was pounding rapidly in his chest and he took a deep breath to try to calm himself. It did nothing to help. "Non penso che sarà abbastanza così felice," he began, gaze still on the soft sands. "è... è Naniko," he finally admitted, amber eyes quickly returning to Ghita in search of her reaction. He wished it could be so simple to have his whole family together. But Nani did not want to return to Crimson Dreams, and he was unsure if Savina would even allow her back in the first place.

The Marino man was nervous, having finally revealed what had gone on between him and Naniko to one of his sisters. Would she deem his actions a betrayal, after hearing the story of what happened to Cambria? Part of him certainly felt that way. Ghita moved her paw and sat back and Ehno immediately assumed a similar position. "Non ci uniranno per poche settimane, almeno." His frantic thoughts clouded his mind, preventing him from more accurately estimating the pups’ arrival. He nodded quickly in response to her next question. "Sì, lei è. Neanche ho detto Savina ancora." He dreaded her reaction to this news most of all.

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