dripping with alchemy, shiver stop shivering!

The insistent tapping that she had been hearing all morning might have been considered a nuisance to some wolves, but Naniko found it to be soothing. She was doing what she did best, grinding and mixing herbs out in the field while she watched over the herds that Geneva had entrusted her with. She'd lived in the city for a few weeks and hadn't been able to find many of the plants due to the territory-wide flooding that the wolves of Souls had recently experienced, but had been able to locate several of the much-needed herbs during her time in the rounded hills that the livestock grazed upon. A downy woodpecker perched on a tree above her head, working its beak against the trunk in a search for insects, creating a hollow, rapping rhythm. She lifted her head every few moments to look about with jade eyes, watching for trespassers or large predators looking for an easy meal.

The brilliantly colored werewolf was in her lupus form, the form that she had chosen to stay in during her pregnancy. She was using both paws to roll the rolling pin when she needed to, keeping all of the powder on big pieces of paper so that it wouldn't fall into the grass. It was important to her to get this done, and she had discovered that she had a lot of spare time to do things while the sheep were grazing. It was really good that Geneva had given her a duty, too. She couldn't usually stay still for too long a period of time...she would have went crazy without something to do. Her time in the city as a loner had been alright, but very boring.

Naniko was just sweeping the last of the willow bark powder into a jar when she heard a sound and her ears perked up, eyes scaling the surrounding area. It had sounded fairly far away, and she didn't know the lands very well yet. The howl hadn't sounded like a wolf's howl to her, but perhaps it was a young one. The thought of a puppy waiting in such a dangerous area made the decision for her and she rose to four paws. It took her only a few moments to get the jars put back into her backpack. She placed it near the trunk of the tree that she had been working beneath with a glance up to the woodpecker, then turned. One final look at the sheep and she was gone, disappearing into the forest.

The canopy overhead obscured the time of day for her, but she guessed that around a half an hour had passed by the time she left the more wooded section of the valley. Despite being active and exercising over the last week, the mother was beginning to feel the strain of the weight that hung down from her midsection, and was traveling slower. She was not far enough along for the strain to keep her from doing her duties but those days were soon approaching, in around two weeks' time.

The Valley wolf smelled the newcomer before she saw him and approached with caution. She wasn't looking for a fight, with the condition that she was in, but she also needed to show that she was a packmember and that these were her pack's lands. She stood with her tail high, hackles raised slightly as she neared to make her appear even larger than she was. "Is there something I can do for you? You've reached the territory of the Phoenix Valley pack."


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