je ne t'aime pas

Asariel was at a loss for thoughts, for words. Lysander, the one she'd believed to be her friend, had seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth. She wasn't sure why, but if she didn't know any better she'd say that the brute was avoiding her. So, if Lysander wasn't going to come to her, well...she was going to go to Lysander. It was simple as that, really. She walked from the marinas, an expression of determination set hard on her face.

As she walked, she heard footfalls. She stopped and her ears pricked forwards as she listened. It was a male, judging by the heaviness. She trotted forward, feeling hopeful. Asariel tumbled through the thick brush and when she saw him, a grin broke out on her face. Yes, she'd done well. "There you are," she said warmly, her grin transforming to a smile. "Tell me, Lysander - have you been avoiding me?" Asariel had figured out that she was falling for Lysander, and the thought scared her. She knew nothing about this man; and yet here she was, pining for his company again.


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