A look at those before us.
Ty had decided to go to a place he had not suspected to go to in a long time, the graveyard. He remembered seeing this graveyard as a child and not quite understanding what it was. However, even when he was little, he got an odd vibe The eerie stones jutting out from the ground to symbolize that one who once live now has their body resting under that slab. The deathly silence and cold empty winds tended to send chills down Ty's spine. Coming back to the graveyard was no different, it's dark atmosphere and unwelcoming emptiness still sent that same chill down Ty's spine. He wandered the rows, looking at the names of the people, the humans, who had once wandered this earth as it's masters, but now are just a notch in the Earth's memory. Ty couldn't help but be curious about humans, creatures who once lived all over the world, creating things that no wolf could ever comprehend, building cities that rivaled the very creations of nature themselves. The ideals, religions, beliefs that humans possessed had come down to the wolvenkind, but Ty knew they did not share such a creative spirit as those hairless beings before them. No, Ty knew that it was a long way before wolves ever progressed to that level that humans had. But at the same time, did they want to? After all, humans wiped themselves out, and for what? Superiority? War? Conquest? Ty didn't know, but what he did know is that humans were gone, and many of their secrets with them.

But Ty found something else at that graveyard, one of the tombs had been left open, and Ty couldn't be more curious. He slipped inside the old thing, and began to peek around. The dark, dank little hobble was empty, save for two rotten slabs of stone on either side. His curiosity couldn't be more interested in this, and he could see one of the slabs was open, albeit slightly. He wanted to know what a human looked like in person, and although there would be almost nothing left of one, to see it would be an experience all to itself. Checking back outside the little tomb, Ty pushed the slab open slightly with shaky hands, but only slightly as to not damage anything, he'd put it all back once he was done. The sight he saw there was truly amazing, while he was right and there was little left of the body, he could still see many of the bones, and it's skull was still intact. To see a skeleton of a human this close and this well preserved was a rarity, he looked the creature up and down, and began to wonder, what had it looked like in life? Was this a good person? Or a bad one? This was all so exciting and terrifying at the same time, but he knew he couldn't take it home with him, that would be awkward.

but staring at it for a bit longer wouldn't hurt. To see this past civilization in such a state, it could only make Ty wonder even more why it destroyed itself


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