Can't keep my hands to myself.
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300+ words.

######And it seemed that they were back to square one, because she certainly was not happy with him again. Obviously, he had been sneaking around, and anyway, that meant that he did not deserve a "warm welcome." She would give a warm welcome to those who waited at the borders if they wanted something, not those who just waltzed in like they owned the place. He was a dirty old trespasser, plain and simple, and did not deserve to tell her off like he seemed to be trying to do. No longer was she feeling like she should help him, since he had obviously just annoyed her again. "You'll only get a warm welcome when you follow the rules and wait at the borders if you want something and stuff," she said through tight lips, trying to sound firm and important once more.

######It was not likely that there were two Conors running around, as far as she could tell. It was a very rare occurance to meet two people with the same name, it seemed. There were so many names in the world, it was practically impossible. But she did not want to give Conor a stern talking to at all; what she wanted was to find something to do that was more worth her time than standing here, making small talk with a trespassing silly face like the one standing in front of her. This man obviously wasn't worth her time. Thinking back to it. . . The girl really was not sure of his name. How rude was that? He had trespassed and tried to get past her, and she didn't even know his name. "What's your name, anyway? It's not very nice to trespass and not even tell the one who finds you first. Unless you're scared," she added, hoping he would willingly tell her just to prove he wasn't afraid of a pup.


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