but i still wonder

Oh, really? the father inquired with a raised eyebrow, I doubt anyone else perceives either Gabriel or Inferni to be 'weak as hell'. But they were dangerous words, the words of someone who wished desperately for change. And it was clear that this one was still too young, but. Nip it in the bud; do it while you still can. And you want to take him on, huh? Why? What do you hope to accomplish there? It's why he wanted to learn to fight and it was why he would not ask his brother for the help he needed. And in the end, it would be why Laruku would not help him either. He knew he had it in him to kill his own son. He was just that fucked up of a bastard -- he had it in him, but would he? Kaena was gone. He doubted that Gabriel would care if he had actually fought him already. And the rest of the litter? Would they care? What are you trying to do, Andre?


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