At the bottom of the big blue sea...
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"Yeahs, yeahs," the creamy pup commented at her chocolate sister’s remembering. And when Got’am came up, the girl smiled, turning her gaze to find her brother’s blue eyes. Amata was certainly glad that both of her siblings agreed. She nodded determinedly as if it were a great secret adventure before following her brother with a delighted, "Okays!" Her tail wagged excitedly, and she held it straight up in the air as she fell in line behind the darker boy, prancing and bouncing and running at random, a smile bright upon her little maw.

It was hard to run in the sand, she decided, because the sand was always trying to eat her feet. It must be a game! Giggling happily, the girl began to travel in large leaps, leaping from place to place so that she could stay out of the sand’s sucking ground. It was a difficult task, but she thought that she was succeeding. Her blue and green gaze was fixed upon the ground as if there was treacherous footing that needed to be avoided and watched carefully. But briefly the creamy girl looked up and found, to her excitement, that the pile of driftwood was near. While Got’am had not said that he was heading for it, it made sense to the girl that they would look for treasure in that pile because it was probably hiding there. Amata was about to tell her siblings her thoughts when she stepped on something hard. She paused instantly, her gaze looking down at the front paw that had stepped upon the hard thing. Cocking her head, the young pup lifted her paw and lowered her nose to peer under it. There came a delighted gasp. "Looks, guys! Looks!" Cafefully she dug around the shell. "I founded a shell likes Mamma’s!" Of course, the shell only partially resembled her mothers, but it was close enough that the little girl couldn’t tell. The colour was a washed grey, or maybe a purple, or even a white. Whatever it was, she had found it! Carefully she dug around it before picking it up carefully in her jaws and holding it up triumphantly for all to see.


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