the space between us all

He smiled at her thanks and gave a quick nod. As the crabs started to heat up, Hemming watched the girl pull the fleshy bits of a clam onto some seaweed. It was a rather clever cooking method, and he smiled some more. The wolf was quite curious about what it might taste like, as he had never eaten clams before, and stared at them for a second as if that would give him some clues. They looked kind of slimy. Not all that appetizing at all, really. But he would try them anyway, because obviously Addison liked them if she had taken time to dig them up. The wolf was rather adventurous in his tolerance for strange food, and since the ocean was such a rich source of potential meals he figured he may as well learn something about the tastiness of these odd creatures.

Hemming's attention was quickly yanked from the funny looking clams, his eyes darting toward the lovely colors - almost like the aurora - that flickered through the orange flame. He tilted his head a little, mystified. What could that possibly be, and what was causing it? Oblivious to any pain it might cause him, he reached out a finger and prodded the end of one of the larger pieces of wood in the fire, as if the gesture would cause it to spark some more. His own wide eyes turned to the girl's for a second before he looked back to the fire. "How-- Why is it doing that?" he asked rather breathlessly.

james made this! ♥

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