Won't you (get on your knees) have faith

hello again! ... i was wondering if the info in his profile up-to-date?

From the moment at which she woke, Anu found that her mind was consumed by many different things. She first watered the plant inside the Manor, and then she ventured to the garden. The few fruit trees she owned were heavy with apples and Anu gathered baskets full each day. But now her found the use of her four legged form and left the pack's center and roamed to the outskirts of her home. Noontime was approaching, the Sun high in the light cerulean air and leaving a small shadow below her small paws.

The slight wolfess traveled over the well worn path that made the boarder with ease, her nose working more then any other sense. Black nostrils picked up the changes, hunted the things that just didn't belong. It did not take much time for Anu to find something that was out of place. The fur of her spine bristled, the scent of a stranger making her uneasy. Blue eyes did not have to hunt for very long until they found the origin. He was within the pack lands, barely but still too far for her comfort. She postured her position, tail, head and ear high that spoke of her leadership rank. And you are? The fey asked as she approached him wearily. He was no pack wolf, and a rogue could be dangerous.

By Akumu

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