I Saw the Future Whirling Around

What had she done to deserve all of this? What did she do to be left by three members of her family? It hurt so much, to know that their mother was gone. It hurt even more that it reminded her that Haven was gone aw well. She missed him, and now it felt like it didn’t matter if she existed. He didn’t need her, and she figured that he was mostly embarrassed that his sister knew that he was sleeping around. It sickened her to know it, and yet she only said that she believed him. She told him that she knew he wouldn’t hurt anyone, and now he stood before her with the same amount of sadness as she held. He spoke, and Mati could not believe the words he chose. She did not show her surprise, and she began to hide her sadness. Calmly she wiped the tears away, and the sniffle was covered by the clearing of her throat.

She stood her ground, and fought the foolish feeling that his whisper had brought her. Maybe she shouldn't feel bad, but she did. Everything was falling apart. Ares would whiling throw her aside, or so she thought, Haven no longer sought her out, though even as he stood before her he looked shamed. She wished she understood if what he had done was a mistake, or if it was how every relationship began. Torn between anger and pure unhappiness Mati settled on anger. She had said that she didn’t want to loose him, and he only figured that she would be untouched by his actions. He had taken the bottle from her hand when she needed him to, she had gone to him the moment she had begun to unravel… She felt replaced by alcohol, and that had left him vulnerable to poor decisions. “Tell me how to feel then.” She spoke, keeping resentment from her voice.



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