the origin of storms
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This is super short compared to yours, sorry D:<3 300+

         He never seemed to be able to sleep that well in a cold and lonely bed. It was not unnatural that the boy took a walk in the moonlight. Actually Conor quite liked the moon, and Alexey and Emwe never woke up when he tip toed down the stairs and slipped out through the door. Haku’s cabin was not far away from Flander’s Field, but the boy casually walked in the well known half circle to avoid the house and continued heading west. Some seemed to perceive the cemetery as intimidating, but Conor did not see it that way. He loved walking the lonely road on the boulevard of broken dreams. He wondered about the lives of the deceased humans that rested beneath the soft grass. Had they lived happy lives? Conor had learned to count and read numbers, and some of the humans had not been old at all. Ten years did not make a human old. Their lifecycles worked differently, and the human life span seemed to be a short forever. Some were more than hundred years. So long lives. Had most of them been filled up with dreams and happiness?

Lilac eyes caught a glimpse of ghostly white, and the young male stopped. His hand found a tombstone to lean against, and he held his breath. ”Hello?” he called out. There were a few wolves with white fur in the pack, but he had never walked into any of them in the middle of the night before. Ears folded in discomfort, but he did not flee. Was he not old enough to stare the demons in the eyes by now? The young male gave a short sigh, realizing how much he had changed these short months. The pack would soon grant him the status of an adult. He was no longer a child with fear ruling his heart and soul. He was still much softer than what he wanted to be, but all in all he had improved so much. Conor’s feet started moving again and he steered in the direction of where he had seen the small glimpse of snowy white. It was merely another wolf, nothing dangerous. Ghosts did not exist, he was certain of that.


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