Won't you (get on your knees) have faith
ooc- lets not worry about knowing how to read until Husk figures out how to tell Anu to open the dammed thing XD

The greyscale wolf was getting frustrated that he couldn't get his point across. He didn't know why she couldn't understand him, did she not speak English? He squinted at her mouth as she spoke again, still a little fast for him. Aaannno? That's what it looked like she was saying. Crims Drames? It was a little hard to lipread wolves, or any canines for that matter, but he still could make do. "Aaano. Crimun Drame?" Those looked like words when she said it, but Husk didn't know what they meant. He thought he saw "name" before "Ano" so he assumed that was her name. Before that he saw "lawst", and assumed she was saying he was lost. "Naw. Naw laws. Lawk. I lawk."

Once again, Husk pointed to the pendant and made an "opening" gesture, as if he was trying to open the little bottle. He backed up a little when he saw her tail fling up. His cloudy eyes stared at her mouth, however, waiting for her to talk again.

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