Won't you (get on your knees) have faith

Oh, she thought. Finally that she was concentrating and focusing on his makes face Anu could make a guess at what was wrong with him. She frowned. And sat back on her haunches. Still he pointed to the thing around his neck and still Anu did not know what she could do about it with no fingers and thumbs. He couldn't hear her, that was obvious now. His speech was impaired because he could not hear the words that he spoke, and the way he looked at her mouth instead of her eyes when she talked. Resting uneasily on her paws the small wolfess spoke once more.
"You need to open it yourself." She voice loud and slow, she spoke with her lips more then her tongue. What was inside was another mystery, but at least Anu had found the answer to one of the many questions.

"You can't hear me?" she asked and declared.

By Akumu

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