teach them all how they can dance


From his sigh and sitting down, Cambria could tell that Gotham was quickly becoming discouraged with this expedition. The girl stayed standing, knowing that if they did decide to turn back she would have to be the one to lead the way out. Wow, that was kind of weird. She actually wasn't afraid of the prospect though. They had been all the way through that part of the cave anyway, and so there would be no scary surprises waiting for them. Gotham could probably squeeze past her and lead the way if he wanted, but she actually wouldn't mind doing it either. For all the thoughts going around inside the pup's head, it was exceedingly quiet in the cave. The kind of silence that could be a bit unnerving if she had paid attention to it.

It didn't bother her that her brother had convinced her to continue moving forward and now wanted to do something else. It had, in fact, shown her that there was nothing she needed to be afraid of in this particular cave. That was a very good thing to know. If they were ever playing hide and seek, this would be a good and not scary place to hide. Invaluable puppy-knowledge. Certainly if they told either of their parents about the exploration they would be proud of both of them too! Gotham had helped his sister not be scared and Cambria hadn't ran away for once in the face of the unknown. The trip was hardly a complete waste in her way of thinking.

Cambi giggled and wagged her tail as her brother licked her cheek. "No's I dun wanna keep goin'." It really wasn't all that interesting. Pondering for a few moments she came up with an idea. "Mebe's dere stuff in some of da other caveses?" Just because there wasn't anything neat in this cave didn't mean there wouldn't be anything in any of the others. There were a lot of caves around, surely at least one of them would hold something of interest for the two pups.


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