She'll shake it all about!
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this sucks, sorryyy

The woman seemed to understand. Noir also realized that it was double fun dancing together with someone else. Alone could be fun, but not half as fun as with someone else. It did not matter much if she did not know this woman or not. Once she fully reminded herself that the new people she met were nothing like Brennt, she was no better than a small child. Yes, Noir still was a young child in mind. She truly believed that the sun would come out any moment now. Golden eyes rose up to the clouded sky every few seconds to check if the sun was coming forth. It made it seem like it was a part Noir’s dance move. When Hanna started to dance again after talking she started to splat mud all over the place. Noir laughed and attempted to do the same, trotting down around in the rather muddy ground.

It was fun, but it was probably not good for the crop. Maybe it was time to stop dancing for now. ”Maybe enough dance.” Eyes sought after the sun. It was most likely only her imagination, but the sky definitely looked a little bit brighter. ”It worked, yay!” the girl squeaked as she started to run out from the centre of the crops. She continued her odd dancing when she had ventured out from the tall plants.


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