walk right in the sight of the gun

Short AND crappy


Why did he always offer these bitches so many second chances? For a moment his whole expression and pose turned blank as the woman growled out angry and spiteful words at him. He felt sin and taint pushing, always pushing. She seemed so sure on her words. It was almost funny how wrong she was. She was foolish for not turning and running away. Foolish for not backing away from him. Getting her would be all too easy. He did not have to execute any distance between them. His jaws only had to part and seek out that delicious flesh. He aimed for her throat and neck, though any part of her would do. He just wanted her blood, nothing more. Most seemed to believe it was a lot to ask for, so Haku would take. Hopefully she would learn the lesson at some point as well. If not then he could always dispose of her body after he had ripped off a little trophy to keep.


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