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bumpPontiac gave a grateful smile to the grey lady in front of her, she wasn’t sure who she was calling for, but she had only just assumed that was who she was calling for. It had been way to long since she had seen her. So when the white female waddled in, with her rounded stomach, Pontiac’s ears flipped backwards as she curled her face up in a questionable look. ”Naniko?” Her tan tipped tail flicked around her legs as she stepped forward looking down to her stomach. Then back up to her face, Pontiac smiled, her sister was with children.

bump”I..You...I’m your sister…Pontiac. You ran off one day, and I heard rumors that you had, had a nasty fall. I been looking for Mom and Dad for the last few years…but of course I never could stick around long enough to find any of our family. “ She sighed as she looked down to the ground, kicking the dirt around on the ground. She really wondered if her sister had really forgotten about her. ”You honestly don’t recall who I am?" She pushed a smile onto her face trying to hide any signs of being hurt by her sister not able to re-call who she was. Her hand placed her cowboy hat back upon her head, shifting it around so it shadowed her face. As she gave a smile with a sigh. ”No worries! It’s my fault for being gone for so long.”

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