the fragile kingdom fall.

Lowering his head just so that his attention could be eye-level to the female Adonis grinned as she scowled. Her frustration with him only furthered his interest as to why she refused to speak upon the male. Cocking his head ever so slightly and craning his back in a curious manner Adonis plucked a piece of grass from the female's fur on her leg. "Hm.." Deep vocals purred and he flicked the grass from his claws. "Would never have hurt you.. meaning he's, deceased." Long, pointed bat-like ears rolled forwards in interest and the male grinned with a volatile sneer. As she shook her head Adonis raised a brow, observing and trying to discern her movements. His semi-confused and interested expression dissipated into a flirtatious smirk as he chuckled and extended a thick, long finger beneath her chin, "Oh my dearest Hoss, you are not old." The male teased and flicked his claw lightly against the underside of her chin. "I'm sure you have some life left in you." Adonis crooned then settled his paw down onto the other side of her feet. Shifting his weight onto that paw he leaned over her feet.

He wasn't interested in her story about her eye, he was much more interested in what she had to say about this male. "You seem to have a great pride in this male.. perhaps you were lovers at some point?" Adonis crooned, throwing a suggested idea out to see how the female would react. "Or perhaps he left you for another female?" The tip of his tail gently swayed and flicked against the soft ground in thought. Family was the next shot.


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