At the bottom of the big blue sea...


The sand was fun and soft to walk in, but it was hard! It felt to the girl like having to learn to walk all over again. All the coordination she had gained over her few months of life went out the window when faced with walking in the shifting ground. She was determined to keep up with her brother though and her eyes stayed focused on the pile of driftwood as her legs and paws worked to keep her moving towards it. She may not have been much of an explorer, but she liked to explore with her brother and sister. While it had started out kind of scary, the rainy day she had spent with her brother in the caves had ended up being fun and filling the shy pup with some confidence. Confidence was a good thing and she needed more of it.

Ears and head turned back as her sister said that she had found something. Oh wow, treasure already? How exciting! Gotham ran past her as she also turned to hop back over to where Amata was digging something out of the sand. A shell? Oh that was so so neat! The image of the pink shell that always hung around their mother's neck flashed brightly in her young mind and her tail wagged excitably. It was so neat that Amata had found one! The Marino looked in awe as her light sibling held it up for all to see. "Yahs! Gothawm's rights! Dadda could makes you a neckwace, rights Mati?" She looked to their caretaker. On the day they had found Ambrose the hedgehog Mati had said something about their father being able to make them shell necklaces like momma's. Now that she thought about it again she wanted to find a shell too! Would there be more around? Cambria looked at the sand between her front paws curiously.


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