plastic smile to match your style [p]
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slowwwwwwwwww. 333 words

Well, that was only to be expected. Tokyo couldn't think of any reason Princess would know, unless she had read about it somehow or if for some reason some other adult spoke of it to her. Of course her beautiful daughter was too young, too good of heart to have learned about sex first hand! The older female tried to think back, trying to figure out what exactly she had mentioned about Raphael. Of course, her father would be the one who would come to Princess' mind; it made sense, and Tokyo wasn't too upset by the mention of him. She didn't think she had said anything about the specifics of how it happened, just that Raphael had hurt her, and that pregnancy was something to drive away Champ. There wasn't too much information to glean from just that sparse story, other than maybe the fact that making puppies with someone else was like a betrayal.

As much as this sort of thing might seem a little awkward to anyone else, but now that Tokyo had got it into her head to educate Princess she wasn't going to beat around the bush in telling it. "Well, I think you're old enough now, to know. This thing called "sex" makes babies. It happens when a male puts his thing inside of you. It hurts a lot and feels really gross for girls, but guys really like to do it, so be careful not to let any of them trick you into it, you're old enough now someone might try." This was all spoken in an incredibly serious tone. "After it happens, you get pregnant and get fat and have lots of puppies a couple months later, and then that hurts, too." Her heavy ice-cold stare focused intently on her daughter, hoping to impart the severity of this topic. Sex was a bad thing, something you should know about only in order to avoid those tricky men who wanted nothing more than to get some.

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