If I have to sin to see you again

Rachias was a bit more at ease once Icarus mentioned that he didn't think anyone had seen him. She'd made it a point, once or twice, to express her concern over whether people knew or not, but she tried not to bring it up often. Icarus seemed to understand just how much she worried over it though, which was one of the things that she appreciated about him. He always seemed to know or understand, even if she never really made a big deal out of whatever it was. The girl watched him for a moment, smiling inwardly, before she started off behind him, ready for their journey to the city together.

"Slept pretty good. Been suspecting, ever since I moved back in with Dad, that he was getting up at night and moving. Woke up as he left last night, followed him to another part of the den where he's been going to sleep." She didn't really understand the point of him leaving in the middle of the night, then again she wasn't entirely sure that she didn't have some odd or annoying thing she did as she slept. The girl caught his eyes as he glanced at her, leaving hers to linger on his for as long as she possibly could. "Have y'heard anything from your mum?" She asked then, despite it being a sensitive subject. It might have been easier coming from her though, she who didn't have a mother at the moment either. At least his had left to go find her daughter though, hers had just up and left.


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