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The gray-colored sub-leader almost felt as if she was eavesdropping on this conversation. The tension eased out of her muscles as the two white women continued to speak. Naniko's recognition made Geneva feel better about calling the woman out here. She did not want her friend to be put under any amount of strain, no matter how miniscule. The woman worried that her friend might need to put her duties as Tenens on hiatus for a while, at least until the pups were born. There were plenty of other pack members to pick up the slack, and Geneva knew that Naniko would be back to performing her duties as soon as she was better capable. She made a mental note to discuss this with Naniko very soon.

Her lime colored eyes traveled from each sister. There were subtle similarities that she could pick up between them, at least in terms of physicality. Geneva was interested in Naniko's parentage and story, but she was not one to pry. She would have liked to melt into the background and let the two get reacquainted without her. It was obvious to her that Pontiac did not harbor an ulterior motive, and that Naniko would be safe for now.

Nani cast jewel-toned eyes in her direction, and she met her gaze evenly. She saw the expectation on her friend's face. Of course, she trusted Naniko, but she had not known Pontiac for any longer than the space of a few minutes, and it was obvious that the two sisters had not been around one another for a great amount of years. Her brows furrowed, and the gray lady switched her gaze to Pontiac. She regarded her thoughtfully before she finally spoke, "You are welcome to stay," she said. "But please know that being part of this pack is not something to be taken lightly. From what I've gathered, you have traveled for a long while. If you would like to rest, then you are welcome to stay as a guest. But if you would like to stay here with a greater degree of permanence, know that this pack functions very much like a large family. We depend on one another, and everyone is expected to contribute to the overall well-being of the pack." Her words and tone were not unkind, but she thought it would only be fair to give Pontiac a look at the bigger picture. The sub-leader shot Naniko a close-mouthed smile and waited for Pontiac's decision.


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