walk right in the sight of the gun

OOC: Bah, don't worry so much, it's not like mine will be any better. Also, any powerplay you need to make, seeing as Urma will so lose this, it's okay with me. As long as she's not dead by the end of it xD ::Word Count:: 300+

The white female kept her eyes fixed on the unpredictable stranger before her, smelling danger on the air and almost sensing the threat behind his blank pose. The fear that had been growing within her battled her inexplicable rage, the desire to run and that to fight clashing heavily and leaving her without any definite course of action. Nonetheless, her muscles tensed under the implicit hint that an attack would ensue any minute now, and her entire pose spoke of edgy reactions fueled by her inner turmoil. She knew she was being far from reasonable, or realistic at that: the wolf was roughly twice her size, his muscles well-formed and his entire attire spoke of numerous disputes that had left him only barely marred. His eyes glinted in the half-light that was rapidly setting, warning her of perils none dared spoke of, of bloodshed and the triumph behind each successful strike of fangs or claws.

Her heart beat rapidly as she barely avoided his strong jaws, feeling the tension in her neck as the dangerously close teeth briefly touched her generous pelt. Deep down, the loss of such a fight weighed her down, trying vainly to convince her of the futility of any action she took against the wolf. The only thing she could do was to protect herself, instead of issuing an attack of her own. She retreated a few steps, faced with the unpredictable nature of the stranger before her, and also wary as to how to proceed herself. The option of running was still available, but what still remained of her rage, a significant amount at that, stopped her legs from moving, willing her to stand her ground. The white female desperately pushed the fear to the back of her mind and concentrated on the necessity of allowing her entire body and mind to be controlled by her anger. She bared her fangs once more, standing on edge, her eyes fixed on the male's glinting gaze, knowing that eye contact was vital, but also feeling pure terror seep into her bones.


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