If I have to sin to see you again

She was happy about the excitement that the idea had brought, though something in her stomach turned and twisted at the mention of them possibly not coming home. She didn't want to hear him say it, to know that he had to consider it. It must have hurt, she was certain, and she didn't want him to have to hurt or always wonder whether or not they were coming back. Despite that, Rachias smiled at him and gave a vigorous wag of her tail. "That would be great!" The excitement in her voice was genuine and the sparkle in her eyes as she sought out his was even more so.

"And when we're older we can look at them together and remember." This comment was much more quiet, almost sheepish in the way that she spoke it. It was an assumption that they would always be together because, the time that they'd spent already, it certainly felt like it. As they continued to walk Rachias inched just a little closer to him, bumping up against him in a gentle manner before finally settling in right at his side. Every now and again her tail would swish over to brush against his tail, which she might have easily played off as an accident if it weren't for the fact that she was so enamored by him. "We could start when we get to the city, huh?"


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